Sunday, June 12, 2011

Once upon a time I had this printed top.... it was very blah... And now? :)

Mike's New Shirt!

So, my bro posted my mods to his band tee on his site yesterday.
I just want to be clear that I love this shirt, not because it is my bros, but because it is an awesome shirt.

 What is so super lovely about it-- is how it photographs, how it glows in blacklight at those crazy burning man parties, and how  temporarily shut down my profile to give the leaders a day buy one of these tee shirts so as not to be unseated. (what a god damn conspiracy).  

The crazy thing is, I could have modified it in a MILLION different ways. 

 Mike Errico fans are  coming up with other ideas...
and so am I... This is T-shirt war! 

(You will also notice the tights from previous post.
Clearly, you have your answer. I fucking went for them. You should all buy a pair)
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