Wednesday, February 20, 2008

conflict resolution

When I design several influences repeat.

Always a high or low. A clear or cludy opinion. Spontaneous or stability seeker. Always hot or cold, on or off.

Sharp angles that cut the figure, that are rendered by slashing pattern pieces that bare and conceal skin in unique positive/negative shapes.

Organic, draping and folding of volumes of fabric, not controlled by measurement, but eye, feeling, intuition.

The organic world, the man made world-- their juxtaposition, their influence over one another. Their unity. Their battle.

Images--Bonsai trees, gaudi, frank lloyd wright, deforestation (mans victory over nature), pompei (nature's victory over man), ice flow, textured pine trees, angular bridges, ( the airport In Sydney), dried sea anemone/ sponge (dried, chip from the dinner at plus/minus)

Colors--Grey, black, pale blue, green,skyscraperpallate, and browns, pine green, treehouse pallate, silver birch tree in the fading sunlight

Fabrics-Rubber, metallic gold brocade, grey tree printed chiffon, black duchess satin, silver latex, colored chiffon- layered..Chunky brown knit sweater yarns," dirt washed" metallic denim, metal memory fabricWith silver pailettes,Tulle, stretch mesh with metal look sequins-Cut metal framing,Perforated plastics combined with chunky homespun knits.

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