Monday, February 11, 2008

McQueen vs. Charles James

A comparision of two great designers with very unique outcomes but almost exactly the same techniques...

McQueen vs. Charles James

Draped CF neckline, shawl-like shoulder draping....

Hard Constructed Hips...

"pointy bits"...

"the dresses are of elegant fabrics molded on an armature of underpinnings, including horsehair canvas, horsehair braid, nonwoven interfacing, and boning. These intricate layers pad and stiffen the dresses until they almost assume a life of their own. "

According to the above article, Charles James used millinery techniques to make his dresses so stiff. He has to create an armature out of something though, not really sure what he lays the horsehair over.... boning maybe? It looks as if thats exactly what McQueen does as well.

Isabella would be very proud....

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